Custom Deep Learning Model for the Diagnosis of Cervical Carcinoma


Cancer is the second most common cause of death in the majority of the world due to late diagnosis. Most cancer cases are typically discovered at an advanced stage, which lowers the likelihood of recovery because proper therapy cannot be given at that time. In particular, for incurable cancers, which may result in a reduced life expectancy due to the rapid progression of the disease, the sooner cancer is identified, the more effective the therapy may be. Early detection also lessens the financial effects of cancer because treatment in the early stages is much cheaper than treatment in later stages.The method suggested is an end-to-end deep learning method in which the input photos are sent directly to the deep model, which makes the decision. The proposed Ensemble of deep learning modelIV3-DCNN to detect cancer in pap-test images. The model's precision, FScore, Specificity, Sensitivity, and accuracy of 99.4%, 99.23, 95.48, 97.9, and 99.2%. Last but not least, the suggested strategy would be very beneficial and successful, especially in low-income nations where referral mechanisms for patients with suspected cancer are frequently lacking, resulting in delayed and fragmented care

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