Exploring Public Sentiment: A Sentiment Analysis of GST Discourse on Twitter using Supervised Machine Learning Classifiers


A key economic move that resulted in heated disputes was India's introduction of the Goods and Services Tax (GST). Social media channels offered a widely used forum for the people to express their views on the GST, providing insightful data for gauging mood and guiding next revisions. The emotion of 5629 GST-related tweets was assessed using the VADER lexicon after being obtained using the Twitter Developer API. The tf-idf feature was used for text vectorization, with 80% of the data going toward training and the remaining 20% going toward testing. In this study, six well-known classifiers—the Ridge Classifier, Logistic Regression, Linear SVC, Perceptron, Decision Tree, and K-Nearest Neighbor—were thoroughly compared to evaluate their performance in a range of circumstances. Accuracy, precision, recall, f-score, training, and testing times were all included in the performance measurements. The study presented novel pre-processing methods and examined the training/testing times before coming to the conclusion that the Ridge Classifier performed better than the others in terms of accuracy, precision, and efficiency. In this study, six well-known classifiers—the Ridge Classifier, Logistic Regression, Linear SVC, Perceptron, Decision Tree, and K-Nearest Neighbor—were thoroughly compared to evaluate their performance in a range of circumstances. Accuracy, precision, recall, f-score, training, and testing times were all included in the performance measurements. The study presented novel pre-processing methods and examined the training/testing times before coming to the conclusion that the Ridge Classifier performed better than the others in terms of accuracy, precision, and efficiency

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