Leveraging Sentiment Analysis for Twitter Data to Uncover User Opinions and Emotions


Huge amounts of emotion are expressed on social media in the form of tweets, blogs, and updates to posts, statuses, etc. Twitter, one of the most well-known microblogging platforms, is used in this essay. Twitter is a social networking site that enables users to post status updates and other brief messages with a maximum character count of 280. Twitter sentiment analysis is the application of sentiment analysis to Twitter data (tweets) in order to derive user sentiments and opinions. Due to the extensive usage, we intend to reflect the mood of the general people by examining the thoughts conveyed in the tweets. Numerous applications require the analysis of public opinion, including businesses attempting to gauge the market response to their products, the prediction of political outcomes, and the analysis of socioeconomic phenomena like stock exchange. Sentiment classification attempts to estimate the sentiment polarity of user updates automatically. So, in order to categorize a tweet as good or negative, we need a model that can accurately discern sarcasm from the lexical meaning of the text. The main objective is to create a practical classifier that can accurately classify the sentiment of twitter streams relating to GST and Tax. Python is used to carry out the suggested algorithm

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