Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar FKIP Universitas Pasundan
This study aims to describe the implementation of religious values in character education at SDIT Al-Izzah Kota Serang. This research is qualitative descriptive study. The research subjects are teachers and students of grades III,VI,V at SDIT Kota Serang. This research was conducted in January - February 2022. Data was collected through observation, interviews and documentation techniques. The results of the study show that the implementation of religious values can be carried out through religious habituation activities in students, namely (1) Implementation of religious values through self-development which consists of routine activities in schools, spontaneous activities carried out by teachers to students, the example given by the teacher, and the conditioning of the school which was created in such a way. (2) Implementation of religious values through subjects by inserting them in subject matter or moral messages, (3) Implementation of religious character values through school culture which consists of culture in the classroom, school, outside of school. The teacher's perception of the importance of religious values in character education is one of the sources that underlies character education and is very important to in still in students from an early age because strong religious provision from an early age will strengthen the moral foundations of students in the future. The role of the school in supporting the implementation of religious values in character education is providing the necessary facilities, supporting activities in schools, and setting a good example for students