Analisis Penerapan Pembelajaran Daring Pada Proses Pembelajaran Matematika Kelas IV SDN Pengadegan 07 Pagi Jakarta Selatan


The research in this writing aims to analyze the application of online learning in the mathematics learning process in grade IV elementary school. This analysis aims to find out how the application of online learning in the mathematics learning process and the impact of the application of online learning on the mathematics learning process. With the use of descriptive qualitative methods with data collection techniques in the form of observation, interviews, and documentation. The subjects of this study were teachers, students, and parents of grade IV B students of SDN Pengadegan 07 South Jakarta. The results of this study show that the application of online learning in the mathematics learning process can be said to be less effective with several obstacles such as (1) It is difficult to adapt to online learning. (2) The high cost of internet and technology access. (3) Decreased teacher-student interaction. (4) Low motivation of students to actively participate in the online learning process. Based on the results of this study, it indicates that the role of teachers to parents can help the successful application of online learning in the mathematics learning process. Keywords : Analysis. Online Learning. Mathematics Learnin

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