Sustainable PPI:Empowering the public in oral and dental research, education and NHS Service


Aim: Highlight why the project was undertaken and the key aim/objectivesTo convene an oral and dental Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) group, with a focus on under-represented patient groups.Methods: A more detailed account of the methods usedA Short Life Working Group (SLWG) formed and met regularly over 18 months to develop governance, training, and recruitment functions for Dundee Dental Hospital and Research School (DDHR&amp;S). DDH&amp;RS is a collaboration between NHS Tayside, NHS Education for Scotland, and University of Dundee. National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) PPI briefing notes for researchers underpinned the approach. An initial data risk assessment guided data collection and handling, ensuring compliance with GDPR. Initial activity focused on adults. A series of Public Engagement (PE) events were organised to raise interest and initiate a PPI group. Locations included a shopping centre and DDHR&amp;S. Outreach to under-represented groups took place via 3rd sector organisations including Brittle Bone Society and Trussell Trust. Social media was used to showcase involvement opportunities. PPI Lead Roles were created and administrative support provided.Results: Present examples of the main results of the work.Three public engagement events took place including an interactive event in a shopping centre, a tour of DDH&amp;RS facilities, and a science fayre. Fifty-seven members of the public have joined the PPI group. Members of the group have indicated interest in head and neck cancer, substance misuse, homelessness, general oral health, and dental services. Training resources and an online staff handbook have been created to support staff in DDH&amp;RS. Resultant PPI activity has been initiated in design of dental education, informing grant applications, and research design. Involvement opportunities are shared via email, post, and telephone dependent on member preferences. PPI Staff Lead roles have been formalised in DDH&amp;RS with ongoing admin support to sustain activity.Patient and Public Involvement: Detail work you have undertaken to involve patients, public or carers in the development of your projectPPI activity took place during an initial PE event with members asked to provide feedback on the group name, meeting format, communication preferences, and reimbursement expectations. Content for the community-based PE event was discussed with an existing lay rep to shape event content and resources required. A final event included focus on refining the approach to PPI in DDH&amp;RS by asking members in more depth about themes of interest and methods for involvement.Conclusions: List the main implications of your findingsA PPI function to support dental education, oral health related research, and dental services has been created. The time taken to develop supporting structures and resources for PPI activity has resulted in a sustainable function that is embedded in DDH&amp;RS. Next steps include extension of the work to develop a function for child oral health.References: Acknowledge any other individuals, funders or specific programmes associated with your work.Acknowledgement: With thanks to Lorna McPherson, University of Dundee for input to the initial grant application. With thank to Jill Sutherland and Shambhunath R for administrative support. We would also like to thank our PPI members for their input to shaping the PPI function.<br/

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