Examining intergenerational trauma and mental health supports within the Latinx community: A rapid review


Intergenerational trauma is a phenomenon experienced by many individuals including those within the Latinx community. This literature review examines the mental health challenges faced by Latinx youth, including depression, anxiety, and the impact of bicultural stress and discrimination. Additionally, the literature review discusses existing intergenerational trauma interventions such as the Intergenerational Trauma Treatment Model and a multi-tiered approach in schools. The current rapid review explored what methods have been evaluated to address the mental health needs of Latinx youth. After a search of databases, three studies were selected. The methodology and findings from each publication is briefly summarized, highlighting the influence of a humanistic school-based mental health counseling intervention and the effectiveness of an evidence-based practice called Show me FIRST. Limitations and implications for school psychologists’ practices are discussed

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