Integration of Education and Internet of Things as an Environmental Conservation Effort


Abstract. The population growth rate and the increasing human need for food and shelter cause the environment to be sacrificed to meet human life needs. Between humans and the environment, there is a meaningful reciprocal relationship to meet their needs. In recent years, environmental issues have become an essential concern in the world. These environmental problems are global warming, garbage, and energy needs that encourage natural resource exploitation. Integrating the concept of the Internet of Things in environmental education, relating to the prevention of environmental damage. Internet of Things (IoT) is a development in the technological revolution in the industrial field. Energy saving can also be done by applying the concept of the Internet of Things. In this case, it can be done by introducing the public to smart homes and Internet of Things tools to monitor and save energy consumption. The use of the Internet of Things can increase the efficiency of energy use because users can automatically turn off a number of electrical devices when they are used enough so that no energy is wasted. Keywords: Environmental Conversation, Internet of Things (IoT), Environmental Problem

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