Latinos in Missouri : occasional paper series


The "Latinos in Missouri" occasional paper series grew from the writing experiences of graduate students in Rural Sociology 8287: The Sociology of Globalization. Students in the class wrote term papers about issues related to the growth of the Latino population in the state as an aspect of globalization. Typically, the papers were developed over the semester by making contact with Latino immigrants for in-depth interviews, although some papers make use of secondary data, such as the U.S. Census. Two of the student editors reviewed each of the papers. Student editors then returned the papers to the authors with their suggestions. After those revisions were incorporated, Dr. Elizabeth Barham edited each paper one more time, returning it to the author with her final editorial comments. When those changes were made, the papers were posted to the Web. While the class papers are limited in length and scope, they represent a substantial amount of work on the authors' parts that generally goes well beyond a typical class requirement. They were written in the hope that they will be read and used by policymakers, agency personnel, service providers, teachers, community leaders and anyone concerned with the well-being of Latino immigrants in Missouri and indeed the nation.Includes bibliographical references

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