Arm Isometric Force Production in NCAA Softball Players is Greater in the Dominant Arm Independent of Arm Angle


Arm Isometric Force Production in NCAA Softball Players is Greater in the Dominant Arm Independent of Arm Angle N. Henson1, M. Gersch1, K. Sunderland1 1Exercise and Performance Nutrition Laboratory, College of Science, Technology, and Health, Lindenwood University, St. Charles, MO, USA The Athletic Shoulder (ASH) test is used to examine strength symmetry between dominant and non-dominant shoulders. Our purpose was to examine shoulder isometric force production in college softball players at two arm angles. Seventeen college softball players performed bilateral isometric shoulder contractions on dual force plates while laying prone with arms straight and shoulders at 135˚ (“Y”) and 180˚ (“I”). There was no significant interaction between the arms in the “Y” and “I” positions. The dominant arm produced significantly greater force, independent of arm angle, compared to the non-dominant arm. Independent of arm tested, there was no significant difference in force production between the arm positions. College softball players produce more isometric force with their dominant arm independent of arm position. This force production could play a role in performance or injury risk

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