Action before the Extinction of Endangered Sturgeon Species: With Emphasis on Stock Enhancement and Conservation


Sturgeons are one of the most valuable fish species in the world due to their pleasant meat, famous black caviar, and isinglass. Sturgeons are believed to be among primitive groups of vertebrates in the world and have been described as “living fossils”. It is assumed that they have been living in the natural waters of the northern hemisphere of the world for 200 million years. Their natural populations are now highly endangered because of overfishing for their black caviar and delicate flesh, destruction of spawning habitat, pollution of freshwater, and human-constructed barriers to access spawning migration. Nowadays, living populations have little chance of survival without stock enhancement and sustainable conservation programs. This review document presents general features of current restoration programs and describes how stock enhancement and conservation strategies can be used to recover Eurasian-based sturgeon resources in peril

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