Measuring Connective Capacity throughout the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Network


The Gulf of Mexico provides substantial resources along its 1,680-mile coastline, spanning 5 U.S. states and providing millions of pounds of seafood and hundreds of millions in revenue annually. Continued success of the fishery relies on the ability of a large, complex, multiagency network to find the best solutions to balance the needs of humans, as well as ensure long-term sustainability. Organizations with varying objectives require effective communication when addressing intricate ecosystem-based management topics such as endangered species and regional economies. To better understand the connectivity within the Gulf fishery management network, an IRB reviewed survey was dispersed to the largest, most influential organizations. The survey anonymously measures perceptions and interactions with other organizations, with a supplemental semi-structured interview to allow for researchers to investigate past the limitations of the survey. Metrics such as four dimensions of trust and three dimensions of influence are used to understand connective capacity

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