Comparison of Egyptian and English Mediation Procedures in Construction


The mediation process is the parties\u27 will to the dispute to reach an amicable, non-binding settlement to end their dispute. The Egyptian legislature adopted the idea of issuing a draft law on mediation in civil and commercial matters to settle disputes between the parties, whether before the litigation stage or after appearing before the courts. The Egyptian Ministry of Justice held many community dialogue sessions to find the final version of the draft law. However, the concerned authorities have not issued the law until writing this paper. This research aims to compare and analyze the Egyptian mediation procedures and the British mediation procedures to improve, develop, and enhance the Egyptian ones especially the draft law as well as overcoming the obstacles that hinder the spread of mediation. On the one hand, presenting the Egyptian procedures in the draft mediation law and the rules of the Cairo Regional Center for International Commercial Arbitration, CRCICA. On the other hand, the British procedures represented in the Institute of Civil Engineers\u27 mediation rules, ICE

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