Investigating the knowledge of octopus fishermen about allergies to Octopus vulgaris manipulation and ingestion and testing whether if their daily practices can lead to cross-reaction with other captures species


Nowadays, the allergies in humans, that consuming marine products, are increasing and cephalopods are not an exception. Octopus is a food which may result in allergy symptoms because of essentially to tropomyosin in composition. Another problem is cross-allergy provoked by manipulation during fishing of different species from different groups (crustacean, fishes, molluscs) and manipulation of animals captured and recipients used aboard. For this study two Portuguese zones were chosen that were famous for octopus fishing by using pots and traps. The methodology used consisted in a presential survey/interview and observation method. The results demonstrated that the majority haven't heard about seafood or cephalopods allergy. Some procedures aboard aren’t avoided cross reaction allergy and can even promote the occurrence of it. Is necessary and urgent to give in-formation to the fishermen about allergen problems and correct some behaviors

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