Mappi g of Marking Methods. : A Feasibility Study for Future Investments


This report examines the possibility of streamlining product labeling and handling at NIABby implementing laser marking technology and conducting process improvements. Byapplying a SWOT analysis, potential strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats havebeen identified. A literature review has been conducted to gain a fundamental understandingof laser marking technology and identify any barriers to implementation.A current state description has been presented, providing a detailed insight into the existinglabeling methods and processes at NIAB. Furthermore, a compilation of labeling data hasbeen performed to provide an overview of the current labeling volume and enablecomparisons between different labeling methods. A process mapping has also beenconducted to identify and categorize various stages in the labeling process.The findings from these investigations and analyses have been used to generate concepts andideas for improvements. Technical expertise and input from operators have also contributedto the design of these improvement concepts. To facilitate accurate assessment of investmentcosts in the future, timings for different stages within the labeling process have beencompiled.By implementing laser marking technology and conducting process improvements, thecompany can achieve consistent, permanent, and high-quality labeling while managing thesignificant variation in product shapes. To maximize the benefits of the investment, a focuson high-volume products and the automation of the most frequently manufacturedcomponents is recommended.This report provides a foundation for making informed decisions and developing effectivebusiness strategies to enhance NIAB' position in the marke

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