Re Int\u27l Union of Electrical Workers, Local 510, and Phillips Cables Ltd


Employee Grievance alleging improper lay-off. The facts: A statement of the facts upon which this grievance arose has been agreed to by the parties. At approximately 3:30 p.m. on October 5, 1967, a power inter­ruption cut off the supply of water to a portion of the company\u27s Brockville plant and the company was informed that this situ­ation was not likely to be corrected before morning. The compa­ny therefore, at 6 p.m. on October 5, 1967, sent home four tuber operators whose machines were affected by reduced air pressure. These operators were the grievors John Link, W. Skelton, James Donaghue and Karl Frohle. At 8 p.m. on the same day, because the work on the sparkers and winders came from the machines of the four employees mentioned, five other employees, three sparker operators, one winder operator and one clerk were sent home

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