The KiHM-9: A Novel Self-Deploying PicoSat Antenna Design for Reflectarray Antennas


Reflectarray antennas are popular on satellites for their ability to achieve similar performance to parabolic antennas in a more compact volume. This project shows how integrating novel technologies achieves the benefits of larger antennas while maintaining the advantages of small satellites. The objective of this research is to create a reflectarray antenna for a holographic metasurface that utilizes the volume surrounding a CubeSat when stowed, incorporates a novel pin-less hinge, includes a self-deploying and stabilizing joint, and is manufactured out of space-grade materials. By using hinges embedded with membranes and magnets, issues with lubrication and outgassing may be avoided, and the same motion and stability of pin-joints may be maintained with no external structure required. These technologies also result in a self-deploying and self-stabilizing design. The Radii Controlled Embedded Lamina (RadiCEL) hinge design was incorporated into the final model and allows the geometry of the hinge joint to be specifically tuned to control the stress in the hinge membrane while minimizing required hinge volume. Metal meshes were used as membrane joints, increasing the durability and robustness of the hinge. Feasibility of the RadiCEL joint is shown through fatigue testing of various materials at a range of hinge radii. The testing shows the viability of metal meshes, as well as other common membranes. Magnets were used in a MaLO configuration, which allowed for a smaller footprint in the antenna and required no external actuation or power source to deploy and stabilize the antenna. Various prototypes of the system were manufactured and are presented. Modeling and testing efforts presented create various opportunities to build on current research to improve mission capability by increasing antenna gain while eliminating peripherals required for antenna deployment

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