
This research is an evaluation of housekeeping nature of rare collection room in libraries. The purpose of this research is to know the implementation of preservation method of Housekeeping Nature of rare collections in library services BPAD DIY and to know how and what are the constraints faced when preservation activities of the rare collection of Housekeeping Nature in library services BPAD DIY. This type of research is qualitative by using descriptive approach. The researcher selects the informant using purposive sampling. Techniques of data retrieval are observation, interview and documentation. The analysis is used through data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. The collected data will be narrowed down to certain issues, namely the prevention of damage to rare collections in housekeeping activities of rare collection nature. While the data validity test is done by triangulation of source, technique and time. The results of this study indicate that 1. Housekeeping nature activities in library services BPAD DIY have done well but not maximized. b) Temperature and humidity indoors rare collection can be said ideal, ideal temperature for the library is 20-40 º and the temperature used of library services BPAD DIY is 20-25 º. Light in the room of a rare collection of library services BPAD DIY not meet the standards because of the absence untraviolet to block the entry of sunlight, let alone a rare collection room in the library adjoining directly with a large glass window that provides direct sunlight. Meanwhile, to avoid the existence of insects, fumigation activities have been done well by library services BPAD DIY. 2. Constraints in housekeeping nature activities in rare collection rooms are divided into three parts, namely policy, human resources (HR) and the room. This study includes recent research focusing only on housekeeping nature or hygiene or care activities in libraries especially rare collections, so it still needs to be studied by further studies

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