Anticipating plausible futures for innovative experimental ecosystems using foresight approach. Case: Design Factory


Change-makers are visionaries who wish to bring change in their respective fields. Design Factory at Aalto University, as an innovative experimental ecosystem with inter-disciplinary principles and new teaching methodologies has been successful and at the forefront in educating the students to be change-makers. The students learn skills, knowledge and are provided with a safe environment that guides them to become a change-maker in their respective fields such as social organizations, entrepreneurship, and careers in start-up or industry. Educating the students to be change-makers will evolve with future; the aim of the study is to holistically anticipate plausible futures for innovative experimental ecosystems utilizing foresight approach. The focus of the study is on Design Factory ways of working, spaces, and teaching methods which will support students in learning by year 20x6{x = 2, 3}. This study is about drawing virtual lines that connect the trends, future drivers, visions, and scenarios, using a contemporary approach that fuses qualitative and quantitative methods. The research on future trends and drivers were performed through semi structured interviews and environmental scanning. The drivers are evaluated through an online survey based on principles of the Delphi method. Further, the drivers are used to build mini scenarios which are further evaluated with the Design Factory stakeholders through a workshop. The results from the study are six future scenarios for the Aalto Design Factory. These results are expected to further foster or trigger new research and development experiments, directions on building radical environments, new teaching methods and ways of working

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