TRADISI BAREMPUK DALAM PELAKSANAAN PANEN RAYA (Studi di Kelurahan Menala Kecamatan Taliwang Kabupaten Sumbawa Barat)


Tradition barempuk over is a game of the people of Sumbawa, especially the people of Menala Village, this game is called at the same time as the rush hour (raya harvest).This research aims to determine the implementation of traditions barempuk over as well as the values ​​found in tradition barempuk over in Menala Village, Taliwang District, West Sumbawa Regency. This research uses a qualitative approach with a type of phenomenological research that explains culture, as well as participating in observing and participating as part of research carried out in the field. Meanwhile, data collection techniques use observation, interviews and documentation techniques. The results of this research show that the implementation of the barempuk tradition is carried out through several stages of activities including, first, preparation for traditional games barempuk over which consists of the selection of traditional referees barempuk over, traditional player selection barempuk over, tradition player examination barempuk over and secondly the core of traditional games barempuk overconsisting of traditional game equipment barempuk over, the time of implementation of the tradition barempuk over, and traditional game rules barempuk over.which is carried out after the harvest ends in the afternoon and then stops in the afternoon. Apart from that, there are also values ​​contained in the implementation of traditions barempuk over namely spiritual values ​​which are related to the value of awareness, the value of truth and the value of solidarity which is related to the value of togetherness and unity

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