Over the past two years, a multi-disciplinary team of clinicians and technologists associated with Duke University and Duke Health system have developed and implemented Sepsis Watch, a sociotechnical system combining an artificial intelligence (AI) deep learning model with new hospital protocols to raise the quality of sepsis treatment. Sepsis is a widespread and deadly condition that can develop from any infection and is one of the most common causes of death in hospitals. And while sepsis is treatable, it is notoriously difficult to diagnose consistently. This makes sepsis a prime candidate for AI-based interventions, where new approaches to patient data might raise levels of detection, treatment, and, ultimately, patient outcomes in the form of fewer deaths.As an application of AI, the deep learning model tends to eclipse the other parts of the system; in practice, Sepsis Watch is constituted by a complex combination of human labor and expertise, as well as technical and institutional infrastructures. This report brings into focus the critical role of human labor and organizational context in developing an effective clinical intervention by framing Sepsis Watch as a complex sociotechnical system, not just a machine learning model