Obesity across America: Geographic Variation in Disease Prevalence and Treatment Options


More than 4 in 10 adults in the US are affected by obesity, defined as experiencing an accumulation of body fat higher than what is considered healthy for a given height. Obesity is associated with increased risks for serious health conditions such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, stroke, and various cancers. People of all genders, of all races and ethnicities, and in all geographic areas experience obesity.This report examines existing data and research to comprehensively describe the scope and prevalence of obesity and available obesity treatments in the US. We look at the current state-level prevalence of obesity and changes in state-level obesity prevalence from 2011 to 2020. We also examine current county-level obesity prevalence and which counties have the highest and lowest levels of obesity and related comorbidities. Then, we describe insurance coverage for four obesity treatment options (screening and counseling, nutritional counseling, pharmacotherapy, and bariatric surgery) for four insurance plans (fee-for-service Medicaid, Medicaid managed care, state employee health plans, and state essential health benefits benchmark plans)

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