The Use of Creative Podcasting in Combating Ethno-Racial Health Disparities in Primary Care Education: A Brief Report


Racially and ethnically diverse populations are more likely than non-Hispanic Whites to report experiencing poorer quality patient-provider interactions as well as perceived discrimination from the primary care team. An approach to address discrimination in primary care is through alterations in primary care workforce development. This paper will focus on how the use of trainee-generated content (TGC) through creative podcasting can be used as a teaching aid to help trainees address implicit bias and discrimination in clinical practice. Doctoral-level health service psychology trainees in an integrated primary care course engaged in creative podcasting to promote deep learning related to racial and ethnic health disparities during the spring 2021 semester. Overall, trainees reported a positive experience with creative podcasting, reporting a strong connection with the material discussed in the podcast and improved self-reflection on biases related to racial/ethnic health disparities. TGC through creative podcasting appears to be an appropriate teaching approach to improve trainee engagement related to topics of implicit bias and discrimination as well as  allowing trainees, especially trainees from racially/ethnically marginalized groups, a more equitable learning experience between the trainee and educator

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