Original Article - Microsurgical tubal recanalization: A hope for the hopeless


Objective: To analyse the various factors affecting pregnancy rate after microsurgical tubal recanalisation. Design: Prospective study, follow-up of 5 years in patients treated with tubal microsurgery. Setting: Referral Tertiary Care Hospital. Patients: Fifty women underwent microsurgical tubal recanalisation procedure. Principles of microsurgery were followed throughout the procedure meticulously. Interventions: Microsurgical tubal recanalisation. Main outcome measure: Pregnancy rate. Results: With microsurgery, an overall 60% pregnancy rate was achieved. In these patients, pregnancy outcome was in form of intrauterine pregnancy (96.66%), ectopic pregnancy (3.33%), term viable pregnancy (96.55%) and spontaneous abortion (3.45%). Conclusions: The important factors for determining the success of operation were age of the patient, time interval between sterilization and reversal, site of ligation, method used for previous ligation & the remaining length of the tube after recanalisation. The microsurgical technique should be available at specialized centres to improve the success of family planning services

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