Does Higher Defence Organisation in India Require a Major Surgery?


Amendments and/or modifications in the Higher Defence Organisations of our country are a subject of constant debate. Many and diverse views continue to be aired. The common denominator seems to be a general dissatisfaction with the existing state of affairs. The need to improve on the existing templates is a laudable thought but the burning question is: ‘Do we require major surgery?’ Also, must we be taken in by examples of systems that have obtained in other countries or should we only seek solutions that are more appropriate to our circumstances? Should we blindly ape what others do or employ our own genius in fashioning systems that are more applicable to our needs? What are the changes that could be introduced to advantage? This article addresses these questions and a few more. The views expressed are personal and not parochial but they are, possibly and naturally, based on the experiences of the author after a lifetime of service in our Air Force. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.346480

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