Tingkat Stres Family Caregiver Pasien Kanker


ABSTRAKPendahuluan Perawatan pasien kanker dirumah dibantu oleh anggota keluarga. Kondisi pasien kanker yang cenderung menurun dan kebutuhan biaya perawatan dapat menimbulkan stress bagi family caregiver. Metode Desain penelitian ini adalah deskriptif analitik. Variabel penelitian yaitu tingkat stress family caregiver. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh family caregiver pasien kanker di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Pacarkeling, Pucang Sewu, dan Kedungdoro. Besar sampel yaitu 32 orang responden yang didapatkan dengan menggunakan Teknik purposive sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Perceived Stress Scale yang sudah valid dan reliable.  Analisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Hasil Mayoritas responden mengalami stress sedang yaitu sebanyak 17 orang (53%). Pembahasan Stres yang dialami oleh family caregiver dapat disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor yaitu lama merawat pasien, kondisi pasien, dan kebutuhan biaya perawatan.  Kata kunci: family caregiver, kanker, stres ABSTRACTIntroduction Treatment of cancer patients at home is assisted by family members. The condition of cancer patients tends to decline and the need for treatment costs can cause stress for family caregivers. Method The design of this research was descriptive analytic. The research variable was the stress level of the family caregiver. The population in this study were all family caregivers of cancer patients in the working areas of the Pakerkeling, Pucang Sewu, and Kedungdoro Health Centers. The sample size is 32 respondents obtained by using purposive sampling technique. The instrument used in this research was the Perceived Stress Scale which was valid and reliable. Analysis using descriptive analysis. Results The majority of respondents experienced moderate stress, namely as many as 17 people (53%). Discussion The stress experienced by family caregivers can be caused by several factors, namely the length of time caring for a patient, the patient's condition, and the need for care costs.

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