Experimental research of the tube absorbers of kinetic energy during collision


Razvoj elemenata za apsorbciju energije sudara je sastavni deo pasivne zaštite putničkih vagona. Pasivna zaštita ima zadatak da posledice sudara svede na minimum. Apsorber prikazan u radu napravljen je od standardne bešavne cevi u kvalitetu P235T1 i konusnog prstena kvaliteta C45E. Predstavljeno rešenje se zasniva na korišćenju specijalnih elemenata koji apsorbuju određenu količinu kinetičke energije sudara putem kontrolisane plastične deformacije, čime se značajno smanjuje deo energije koji se prenosi na noseću strukturu vozila. Pri sudaru dolazi do sabijanja-provlačenja cevi kroz konusni prsten. Težište rada je na eksperimentalnim istraživanjima radi određivanja stvarnih karakteristika apsorbera ovog tipa. Na osnovu analize dobijenih rezultata ispitivanja, predloženo je konačno konstruktivno rešenje apsorbera, kao elementa buduće konstrukcije čeonog dela postolja vagona.Development of collision energy absorbing elements is a constituent part of passive protection of passenger coaches. The target of passive protection is to minimize the collision consequences. The absorber, described in this paper, is constructed from a standard seamless tube of the quality P235T1 and conical ring of the quality C45E. The solution presented is based on the application of special elements that absorb a certain amount of collision kinetic energy by means of controlled plastic deformation, significantly decreasing the part of the energy which is transferred to the vehicle bearing structure. The tube is compressed - pushed through the conical ring in collision. The paper focuses on the quasi-static and dynamics experimental research. Based on the analysis of the results obtained in the research, a final design of the absorber is suggested as a part of the future front part of vehicle bearing structure

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