Estimation of ship lightweight reduction by means of application of sandwich plate system


Sendvič panel sistem predstavlja alternativu konvencionalnom orebrenom panelu i sastoji se od dva metalna lima razdvojena ispunom od elastomera. Uzimajući u obzir visok odnos čvrstoće i težine, jednostavnost konstrukcije, otpornost na udare i eksploziju, SPS je široko rasprostranjen u mnogim industrijama, a najviše u remontu brodova. Mada se često navode veoma optimističke prognoze u vezi potencijalnih ušteda u ukupnoj težini konstrukcije, činjenica je da još nijedan kompletan trup broda od SPS-a nije zaista napravljen. Ideja ovog rada je da se analiziraju mogućnosti SPS-a u ovoj nameni. Kao primer trupa broda je uzeta tipična rečna barža. Kombinujući različite koncepte gradnje i tipove brodova, ukupno 21 model konvencionalne konstrukcije broda je definisan i njihove težine su detaljno sračunate. Isto je urađeno pod pretpostavkom da je barža napravljena od SPS-a, koristeći 'Lloyd's Provisional Rules'. Svi rezultati su sistematski poređeni i analizirani.Sandwich plate system is an alternative to conventional stiffened plate composition that consists of two metal plates separated by an elastomer core. Considering high strength to weight ratio, simplicity, blast and ballistic properties of the material, SPS has been widely used in a range of industries but its most dominant application has become ship repair. Regarding new buildings some very brave estimations of possible weight savings can be found, but still no complete hull made of SPS has been actually produced. The idea of this paper is to analyze possibilities of SPS for such application. A typical river barge is used as the basic hull shape. Combining different framing concepts and cargo types 21 different model of conventional hull structure is defined and their weights calculated. Subsequently the same is done presuming that barge hull is built of SPS, and using related Lloyd's Provisional Rules. All results are systematically compared and analyzed

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