Propeller and combinatory characteristics determination of Kaplan turbine in HPS 'Zvornik' with the aim of increasing its efficiency


U radu su prikazani rezultati merenja i proračuna koji su urađeni na agregatu A3 u HE 'Zvornik', a u cilju određivanja propelernih i kombinatorskih karakteristika Kaplanove turbine. Specifična pažnja je posvećena određivanju koeficijenta protoka protokomera Vinter-Kenedi. Ova merenja daju rezultate koji omogućuju rad turbine u tačkama optimalnih stepena korisnosti. .The measurement and calculation results which were performed at unit A3 in HPS 'Zvornik' are presented in this paper with the aim of Kaplan turbine propeller and combinatory characteristics determination. Special attention is given to the Winter-Kennedy discharge coefficient determination. These measurement procedures gave the opportunity for unit operation at optimal efficiencies.

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