Acceptance test of thermal performances and pressure drop of heat exchangers


U okviru rada prikazana je metodologija ispitivanja razmenjivača toplote u zavisnosti od cilja ispitivanja. Cilj ispitivanja prikazanog razmenjivača toplote je određivanje toplotnih performansi i pada pritiska razmenjivača toplote u radu. Prikazani zahtevi u pogledu mernih mesta, merenja veličina i opreme za merenje tih veličina prema evropskim standardima, kao i poređenje datih preformansi sa deklarisanim performansama prema evropskim normama. .This paper deals with the mode of research of heat exchangers depending of cause of research. The aim of the research is determination of thermal performances and pressure drop of heat exchanger in operation work. Here is shown requirements of measuring places, measured values, and equipments for measuring as well as comparison of performances with the declared performances according to European standards.

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