Technical solution for use of gas turbine exhaust gases in the existing steam boilers in MSK Kikinda


U okviru energetike Metanolsko-sirćetnog kompleksa u Kikindi nalaze se, pored procesnog kotla i ostale prateće opreme, tri jednaka parna kotla proizvodnje 'Minel-Kotlogradnja' koji su predviđeni za sagorevanje prirodnog gasa, mazuta i procesnih gasova. U cilju povećanja energetskog kapaciteta energane MSK Kikinda predviđena je ugradnja jedne gasne turbine snage 14 MW. S obzirom da izduvni gasovi iz gasne turbine imaju relativno visoku temperaturu i veliku količinu neiskorišćenog kiseonika iz vazduha, predviđeno je da se oni podele na dve jednake struje i da se uvedu u dva postojeća parna kotla produkcije od po 16,67 kg/s (60 t/h). Da bi se iskoristila ova toplota izduvnih gasova, kao i kiseonik sadržan u njima, neophodno je prvo zameniti postojeće gorionike i izvršiti neophodne rekonstrukcije grejnih površina u vertikalnom konvektivnom gasnom kanalu parnog kotla. Osim toga potrebno je proveriti da li postojeći ventilator za dimne gasove može da zadovolji novi režim rada pri kome se u jedan kotao uvodi polovina izduvnih gasova turbine. .Within the energy system in Methanol & Acetic acid Complex (MSK) in Kikinda, beside process boiler and auxiliary equipment, there are three identical steam boilers made by 'Minel Kotlogradnja', provided for combustion of natural gas, fuel oil, and process gases. To increase capacity of the power plant in MSK Kikinda, installation of one 14 MW gas turbine is planed. Since the exhaust gases are at the relatively high temperature and contain large quantity of oxygen, it is specified to split exhaust gas into two equal streams and introduce them into two existing steam boilers, each having production of 16,67 kg/s (60 t/h). In order to use heat as well as oxygen from the exhaust gases in the existing boilers, it is necessary to replace the existing burners and to reconstruct heat exchangers in the vertical convective gas channel. Besides, it is necessary to verify if the existing flue gases fan can comply with the new operating regime, during which a half of the turbine exhaust gas is introduced into the steam boiler.

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