Identità, migrazioni, emergenze. Morfologie di transizione in area EMME Identities, migrancy, emergencies. Transitional morphologies in EMME Region


The contribution intends to address the thematic context, the methodological framework, and the general background of some master’s thesis works already carried out or in progress at Politecnico di Torino. The main idea is to verify the efectiveness of urban morphological analysis in providing scientific foundations for urban planning in areas of the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East (the so-called EMME Region) between Asia, Africa, and Europe. The general mission of the Joint Research Unit “Transitional Morphologies” (founded in 2018 by the Southeast University of Nanjing and Politecnico di Torino) is to study the mechanisms of evolution of the forms of human settlement, especially in the contemporary age, to manage urban figures and design process devices. In areas such as Turkey, Lebanon, Syria, Tunisia, but also Armenia and therefore Iraq and Iran, it is possible to measure the tools for analysing the contemporary urban morphological transition with the themes of the housing emergency, of denied identities, and of the dramas of post-war or post-disaster conditions

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