
Company goals cannot be realized without the involvement of human resources so human resources can be the key to success and the company's capital to have a competitive advantage. The important role of human resources makes companies need to pay attention and manage employees well so that competent employees in the company do not leave the company because they have turnover intention due to a lack of company attention. PT Putra Albasia Mandiri has an employee turnover phenomenon of 26.66% in the 2017-2021 period. This study aims to provide empirical evidence regarding the role of self-efficacy and workload on turnover intention through work-life balance. The objects in this study were production employees of PT Putra Albasia Mandiri. The sampling method used simple random sampling with a total sample of 171 employees. Data analysis was performed using structural equation modeling and the Sobel test. The results of the study provide empirical evidence that self-efficacy affects work-life balance. Workload affects work-life balance. Self-efficacy does not affect turnover intention. Workload does not affect turnover intention. Self-efficacy and workload affect turnover intention through work-life balance. Work-life balance acts as a full mediation in this study. Based on these findings, companies must be more proactive in managing employees to avoid turnover intention and look for other jobs. Employee turnover intention must receive special attention from the company so that there is no trend of high employee turnover from year to year. Keywords: Self-Efficacy, Workload, Work-Life Balance, Turnover Intention. Tujuan perusahaan tidak dapat terwujud tanpa adanya keterlibatan dari sumber daya manusia, sehingga sumber daya manusia dapat menjadi kunci kesuksesan dan modal perusahaan untuk memiliki keunggulan kompetitif. Peran penting sumber daya manusia membuat perusahaan perlu memberikan perhatian dan mengelola karyawan dengan baik, supaya karyawan yang berkompeten di perusahaan tidak keluar dari perusahaan karena mempunyai turnover intention akibat kurangnya perhatian perusahaan. PT Putra Albasia Mandiri memiliki fenomena turnover karyawan sebesar 26,66% dalam kurun waktu 2017-2021. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan bukti empiris mengenai peran self-efficacy dan workload terhadap turnover intention melalui work-life balance. Objek dalam penelitian ini adalah karyawan produksi PT Putra Albasia Mandiri. Metode pengambilan sampel menggunakan simple random sampling dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 171 karyawan. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan structural equation modelling dan uji Sobel. Hasil penelitian memberikan bukti empiris bahwa self-efficacy berpengaruh terhadap work-life balance. Workload berpengaruh terhadap work-life balance. Self-efficacy tidak berpengaruh terhadap turnover intention. Workload tidak berpengaruh terhadap turnover intention. Self-efficacy dan workload berpengaruh terhadap turnover intention melalui work-life balance. Work-life balance berperan sebagai full mediation dalam penelitian ini. Berdasarkan hasil temuan ini, perusahaan harus lebih proaktif dalam mengelola karyawan untuk menghindari turnover intention dan mencari pekerjaan lain. Turnover intention karyawan harus mendapatkan perhatian khusus oleh perusahaan agar tidak terjadi tren turnover karyawan yang tinggi dari tahun ke tahun. Kata kunci: self-efficacy; workload; work-life balance; turnover intention

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