Green Economy Model in Palm Oil Industry Based on Islamic Economic Perspective (Case Study of PT. Borneo Indah Marjaya Desa Laburan, East Kalimantan)


The palm oil industry contributes significantly to household welfare resulting from the palm oil business. The palm oil industry also has great potential that can cause environmental problems. Green economy is believed to be a solution to environmental problems caused by economic activities. This study aims to find out how the Green Economy Model in the Palm Oil Industry Based on the Islamic Economic Perspective of PT. Borneo Indah Marjaya about its application in accordance with the teachings of Islamic economics and has it been carried out properly. The method used is qualitative descriptive with interview, observation and documentation techniques directly at PT. Borneo Indah Marjaya.Based on the results of research that the green economy model is very important to be applied by palm oil industry companies producing CPO oil so that this economic business activity can be run sustainably and environmentally friendly. The implementation of green economy is closely related to the 7 principles of Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO). This research provides an understanding of the concept of green economy that in economic activities it is necessary to think about justice, welfare and income benefits both in society and companies and in accordance with the teachings of Islamic law

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