The flouting maxim in The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon


Flouting of maxims can be found in conversations that occur in various places and situations. One of them is in formal occasions like in an interview or talk show on television. According to the statement, there are two problems of this study, (1) What are the types of non-observance maxims are found in The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon? (2) What are the functions the flouting maxim in The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon? The writer applies Grice’s theory of flouting maxim to conduct the research. The writer finds forty flouting maxims consists of all types of maxims. In talk show The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, flouting maxims come with certain reasons. They are to be clear, to explain many things, to expect something, and to avoid talking about something. The writer concludes that flouting maxim is important to make communication goes smooth when people can deeply understand the meaning of what the speakers say. Pelanggaran maksim dapat ditemukan dalam percakapan yang terjadi di berbagai tempat dan situasi. Salah satunya dalam acara formal seperti wawancara atau talk show di televisi. Berdasarkan pernyataan tersebut, ada dua masalah dalam penelitian ini, (1) Apa saja jenis-jenis pelanggaran maksim yang ditemukan dalam The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon? (2) Apa maksud dari pelanggaran maksim yang ditemukan dalam The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon? Penulis menerapkan teori pelanggaran maksim Grice untuk melakukan penelitian. Penulis menemukan empat puluh pelanggaran maksim terdiri dari semua jenis maksim. Dalam acara bincang-bincang The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, pelanggaran prinsip muncul dengan alasan tertentu. Mereka harus jelas, menjelaskan banyak hal, mengharapkan sesuatu, dan menghindari pembicaraan tentang sesuatu. Penulis menyimpulkan bahwa melanggar maaxim penting untuk membuat komunikasi berjalan lancar ketika orang dapat memahami secara mendalam maksud dari apa yang dikatakan pembicara

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