Pengelolaan Instagram @set.dprd.jabar di masa pandemi Covid-19


INDONESIA : Sekretariat DPRD Provinsi Jawa Barat merupakan salah satu instansi pemerintah yang aktif membagikan kegiatan-kegiatannya di media sosial Instagram. Adapun pengelolaan akun @set.dprd.jabar dikelola oleh Tim khusus dibawah naungan sub bagian Humas Publikasi dan Perundang-Undangan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui proses pengelolaan media sosial Instagram @set.dprd.jabar melalui empat tahapan yang diawali dari tahap membagikan konten, tahap mengoptimalkan pesan, tahap mengelola informasi hingga tahap mengikutsertakan publik. Konsep dalam penelitian ini menggunakan The Circular Model of Some for Social Communications. Konsep ini digunakan karena sesuai dengan dengan proses tahapan yang digunakan oleh Sekretariat DPRD Provinsi Jawa Barat. Sekretariat DPRD Provinsi Jawa Barat dalam mengelola media sosial Instagram @set.dprd.jabar sebagai kegiatan online PR. Paradigma yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma konstruktivisme dengan metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dan pengumpulan data-data penelitian dengan melakukan wawancara mendalam, observasi dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsep The Circular Model of Some for Social Communications yang dilakukan oleh Sekretariat DPRD Provinsi jawa Barat dalam mengelola akun media sosial Instagram di masa pandemi covid-19 diawali dengan tahap (1) membagikan konten, meliputi a) berpartisipasi dalam menggunakan media sosial, b) saling terhubung, c) membangun kepercayaan. Tahap (2) mengoptimalkan pesan, meliputi listen and learn a) mengetahui perbincangan publik, b) mengoptimalkan konten dengan fitur Instagram, take part in authentic conversations c) menetapkan waktu jadwal unggahan konten, d) konten khusus. Tahap (3) mengelola informasi, meliputi media monitoring a)pemantauan Instagram, Quick Response a) respon cepat, b) mengadakan quiz dan challange, Real-Time Interactions a) mengadakan live streaming. Tahap (4) mengikutsertakan public engage,meliputi influencer relations a) kerjasama influencer, where is audience b) mengetahui audiens, how to reach them c) meraih target audiens. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa Sekretariat DPRD Provinsi Jawa Barat melalui humas publikasi dan Tim khusus melakukan pengelolaan akun media sosial Instagram belum sesuai dengan konsep The Circular Model of Some for Social Communication. ENGLISH : The Secretariat of West Java Provincial DPRD is one of the government agencies that actively shares its activities on media social such as Instagram. The management of @set.dprd.jabar account is managed by a special team under the Sub-section of Public Relations and Legislation. The main aim of this research is to find out the management process on social media Instagram @set.dprd.jabar through four stages that began with content sharing, message optimization, information management, and public participation. The concept in this research uses The Circular Model of Some Social Communications. This concept is used because it is appropriate for the stages of the process used by the Secretariat of West Java Provincial DPRD. Secretariat of West Java Provincial DPRD in managing Instagram social media @set.dprd.jabar as online PR activities. The paradigm in this research uses the constructivism paradigm with descriptive qualitative research methods and research data collection by conducting in-depth interviews, observations, and documentation. The results showed that the concept of The Circular Model of Some Social Communications carried out by the Secretariat of West Java Provincial DPRD in order to manage Instagram social media accounts during the Covid-19 the pandemic began with stages (1) content sharing, including a) participating in social media usages, b) connected, c) building trust. Stage (2) optimizing messages, including listening and learning a) knowing public conversation, b) optimizing content with Instagram features, taking part in authentic conversations c) set a schedule for content uploads, d) special content. Stage (3) Information management, including media monitoring a) monitoring Instagram, Quick Response a) quick response, b) holding quizzes and challenges, Real-Time Interactions a) holding live streaming. Stage (4) includes public engagement includes influencer relations a) influencer collaboration, where is the audience b) knows the audience, how to reach them c) reaches the audience target. Based on the research result, the conclusion that came is the Secretary of the West Java Provincial DPRD via Public Relations and Publication section and Special The team managing Instagram social media accounts is not appropriate with the concept of The Circular Model of Some for Social Communication

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