Delayed Cord-clamping in Term and Preterm Infants: Nursing Strategies to Facilitate Implementation


Newborns have been shown to benefit from delayed umbilical cord clamping after birth by the extra transfusion of placental blood. Enhanced placental transfusion is known to increase blood volume, red blood cells and improve the oxygenation of vital organs in both term and preterm infants. There continues to be however, a need for further research including issues such as optimal timing of the delay, eligibility and appropriateness of those newborns requiring resuscitation, and the ideal position to hold the infant prior to cord clamping. Changes in clinical practice have been slow to take hold because of these issues, along with lingering opinions about personal practice and resistance to change. This paper reviews the literature for gaps in research and knowledge and examines the baiters to practice change. Nurses can contribute to facilitating delayed cord clamping by understanding the research, providing education, advocating for patients and collaborating with care providers and staff. Labor and delivery staff education is included in the form of a PowerPoint presentation which outlines the research, known barriers to change and practical ways that nurses can continue to be leaders in patient car

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