Design and development of experiments with emotional stimulation techniques by means of image and sound to improve the individual's resilience against stress


The World Health Organization has defined stress as the "Health Epidemic of the 21st Century". Chronic stress is found to be one of the main causes of growing numbers of physical chronic diseases. Even though there are some challenges, there is a lot of evidence to support the use of sound, images and resonant breathing to combat stress. However, music and image therapy are not easily integrated in our daily lives as it is largely based on personal preferences that may also be linked to cultural sensitivity. The search for reliable stress biomarkers has established heart rate variability (HRV) as a suitable, cost-effective, non-invasive index for stress and stress vulnerability in mammals. The focus of this project will be to study how rhythmic sonic emotional stimulation techniques, rhythmic visual emotional stimulation and resonant breathing can be used to control the HRV performance with the intention of reducing and controlling stress2022/202

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