Aetherius: Real-Time Volumetric Cloud Generation Tool for Unity


This thesis describes the development of Aetherius, a Unity tool which can generate and visualize virtually endless and unique cloudscapes in real-time dynamically; The resulting tool can be used in videogames to easily and quickly create immersive and dynamic skies without wasting resources in the development of a dedicated system. Developing a volumetric cloud system is complicated and especially small studios do not have the resources to create such systems for their skies. The objective of this project is to provide an accessible and easy to use alternative for small studios and indie developers to turn static, boring and featureless skies into high quality ones. In this document the problems encountered during the development of the tool and the techniques used to generate, render and optimize cloudscapes are described; to test the tool’s usefulness this project includes the creation of a small demo application

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