Pengembangan Model “Hybrid Blending Financial” : Upaya Mencari Format Ideal Dalam Meningkatkan Perluasan Akses KUR Bagi Usaha Mikro Dan Kecil


Expanding access of business loan is strongly urged to continue to do, given that there is a wide gap between supply and demand of Kredit Usaha Rakyat (KUR). The main objective of this research is to develop a Hybrid Model Blending Financial to search the ideal format of KUR to improve the KUR access expansion for small and micro businesses. The focus of the activities is to : a) identify and analysis the access of funding programs; b) identify the needs and expectations of small and micro businesses about the KUR program ; c) Analysis of the behavior of any relevant actors and stakeholders, motivation, roles and patterns of cooperation and organizing activities; d) identify and analysis of policies and institutions to support the expansion of access KUR . Specific targets to be achieved are : First, the formulation of the Financial Blending Hybrid models design based on the characteristics of programs that already under way, the needs of small businesses to access ideal funding micro and behavior of any relevant actors and stakeholders, motivation, roles and patterns of cooperation and organization activities that have been mapped. Second, socialization, test, and implement Blending Hybrid Financial to search the ideal format to improve access expansion KUR for micro and small businesses. To achieve these objectives, the research method designed by using the method of descriptive research, policy research and applied research. Based on the data, the target KUR 30 % ( in 2012 ) in the agricultural sector can not be achieved . The largest sector of KUR accessing still dominated by the trade sector reached Rp . 65.691 trillion with the amount of 5.79 million borrowers. While the agriculture sector is only 18.9 trillion by the amount of 1.26 million borrowers. This is due, because of the limited range of credit services with the primary locus of priority sectors and before KUR program there are various credit schemes for the agricultural sector with the lower of interest rate . Therefore increasing KUR in the primary sector by applying the concept of Hybrid Blending Financial or a 3 in 1 system Integrated Micro KUR scheme specifically for the agricultural sector, which combines folk with KKPE MOA Micro KUR and skim KUMK SUP 005 that essentially the government to put their money in the bank in order to reduce the interest rate ( cost of fund small ) - blending financing ( guarantee of KUR , cheap funds from KUMK SUP 005 and KKPE interest subsidies)

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