Perceiving oneself. Outcomes of an exploratory survey with the PBL at the University


The university is undoubtedly a privileged place for participation, confrontation, and continuous educational investment. A place where students are actively encouraged to reason and solve problems by autonomously obtaining and drawing on all the necessary information sources. The study describes the exploratory survey conducted with a sample of 38 students, enrolled in the first year of the Master's Degree Course in Pedagogical Sciences (LM-85) at the University of Palermo, in the academic year 2022-23, on the training value of the problem-based learning (PBL) teaching methodology. The research focuses on the degree of satisfaction the students had during the PBL activities and their self-perception, in terms of skills (problem-solving, decision-making, team working and critical thinking) and the impact these will have on their personal and professional growth

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