Mercury in coal from south eastern coalfeld and mercury partitioning at sub‑critical coal‑fred power plant


India is considered as one of the major mercury emitters of the world. Coal combustion in power plants is the foremost source of mercury emissions. Coal samples from South Eastern Coalfeld (SECL) region, India were assessed for mercury content and its partition in a 500 MW boiler unit of a coal-fred power plant. Hg content in the runof mine coal samples varied from 0.011 to 0.188 mg/kg. The Hg content in coal was positively correlated with ash and sulfur. In the power plant, about 65% of the Hg present in the feed coal was emitted through stack, whereas the rest were associated with the fne fy ash (33%), bottom ash (1.9%), and mill rejects (0.1%).The concentration of total Hg in the stack gas varied from 8.5 to 13.7 μg/Nm3, wherein Hg0 (74–81%) was much higher than Hg2+ (19–26%). The estimated mercury emission factor was 1.0–3.2 mg/GJ, which is comparatively higher due to the use of high ash coal and the lack of fue gas desulphurisation system. Hg portion�ing along the fue gas hoppers were also investigated which indicates relationship between Hg adsorption and carbon/sulfur content of the fy ash

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