
The dynamics of the hydrographic basins is express for the interaction of the subsystems natural, constructed, socio-economic and productive, that portrays the principles of unit, complexity and totality, characterized for its localization, extension, correlation, evolution and causality, consisting in excellent unit of study and planning. The basin of the Deep Stream (Córrego Fundo) is situated in the city of Aquidauana, to the east of the city. The basin occupies an area of 4.609 hectares, that they drain lands of Plateaus of Maracajú/ Campo Grande in direction to the depression of the river Aquidauana, and comprises 14 properties that are used of its superficial and underground waters. The main developed partner-productive activity in the basin is the cattle extensive bovine of cut, for the fattening. Developed with Nelore animals of high ancestry, however with inadequate handling of the cattle and the ground and disrespect to the areas of permanent protection, that is compromising the quality of waters of the basin. To contribute for the analysis of this ambient disequilibrium, were identified the ambient risks to the quality of superficial waters of the basin from systemic model of functioning, that demonstrates to the flows of energy and substance, and its interactions. From the survey of the elements of the biophysical ambient and the application of field questionnaires, thematic letters had been elaborated, characterizing the elements of the subsystems natural, constructed, social and productive, allowing with its overlapping the identification and classification of the ambient risks of the basin. Being most serious, the substitution of the native bush for the cultivated pasture, in areas with superior declivities 30%, the deficient use of conservationists techniques of plantation and handling of the pastures and the deforestation of the areas of permanent preservation, that are contributing for the loss of the soil and carry of sediments and residues for the fluvial canals, compromising the physical, chemical and biological parameters of waters.RESUMO A dinâmica das bacias hidrográficas é expressa pela interação dos subsistemas natural, construído, socioeconômico e produtivo, que retratam os princípios de unidade, complexidade e totalidade, caracterizados pela sua localização, extensão, correlação, evolução e causalidade, constituindo-se em excelente unidade de estudo e de planejamento. A bacia do Córrego Fundo localiza-se no município de Aquidauana, a leste da cidade. Ocupa uma área de 4.609 ha, que drenam terrenos do Planalto de Maracajú/ Campo Grande em direção à Depressão do rio Aquidauana, englobando 14 propriedades que se utilizam de suas águas superficiais e subterrâneas. A principal atividade socioprodutiva desenvolvida na bacia é a pecuária bovina extensiva de corte, para a engorda. Desenvolvida com animais nelore de alta linhagem, porém com manejo inadequado do gado e do solo e desrespeito às áreas de proteção permanente, a mesma está comprometendo a qualidade das águas da bacia. Para contribuir para o equacionamento desse desequilíbrio ambiental, identificaram-se os riscos ambientais à qualidade das águas superficiais da bacia a partir de modelo sistêmico de funcionamento, o qual demonstra os fluxos de energia e matéria, e suas interações. A partir do levantamento dos elementos do meio biofísico e da aplicação de questionários de campo, foram elaboradas cartas temáticas, caracterizando os elementos dos subsistemas natural, construído, social e produtivo, permitindo, com suas sobreposições, a identificação e classificação dos riscos ambientais da bacia. Os mais graves foram: a substituição da mata nativa pela pastagem cultivada, em áreas com declives superiores a 30%; o uso deficiente de técnicas conservacionistas de plantio e manejo das pastagens, e o desmatamento das áreas de preservação permanente, que estão contribuindo para a perda de solo e carreamento de sedimentos e resíduos para os canais fluviais, comprometendo os parâmetros físicos, químicos e biológicos das águas. Palavras-chave: Bacia Hidrográfica. Modelo Sistêmico. Cartas Temáticas. Uso e Ocupação do solo. Qualidade das Águas. Riscos Ambientais. ABSTRACT The dynamic of the hydrographic basins is expressed by the interaction of the natural, constructed, socio-economic and productive subsystems that portrays the principles of unit, complexity and totality, characterized by its localization, extension, correlation, evolution and causality, consisting in excellent unit of study and planning. The basin of the Deep Stream (Córrego Fundo) is situated in the city of Aquidauana, at the east of the city. The basin occupies an area of 4.609 hectares, which drain lands from Plateaus of Maracajú/ Campo Grande in direction to the depression of the river Aquidauana, covering 14 properties that use its superficial and underground waters. The main social and productive activity that is developed in the basin is the extensive cattle cutting, for the fattening. Developed with Nelore animals of high ancestry, however with inadequate handling of the cattle and the soil and disrespect to the areas of permanent protection, it is compromising the quality of waters of the basin. To contribute to the equation of this ambient disequilibrium, the ambient risks to the quality of superficial waters of the basin were identified from the systemic functional model, which demonstrates the flows of energy and matter, and its interactions. From the survey of the elements of the biophysical ambient and the application of field questionnaires, thematic letters were elaborated, characterizing the elements of the natural, constructed, social and productive subsystems, allowing, with their overlaps, the identification and classification of the ambient risks of the basin. The most serious were: the substitution of the native bush for the cultivated pasture, in areas with superior declivities 30%, the deficient use of conservation techniques of plantation and handling of the pastures, and the deforestation of the areas of permanent preservation, that are contributing for the loss of the soil and the carriage of sediments and residues to the fluvial channels, compromising the physical, chemical and biological parameters of the waters. Key words: Hydrographic Basin. Systemic Model. Thematic Maps. Use and Occupation of the Soil. Quality of Waters. Environmental Risks

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