The employer\u27s civil liability for sexual harassment in the workplace "Comparative Analytical Study"


Sexual harassment spread widely in the workplace in this period, and although it affected women and men, its impact on working women was greater. This is primarily due to the economic conditions our society is going through and the abuse of power by employers. Sexual harassment is considered a gross violation of human rights, undesirable behavior and a form of violence against workers. In light of this, the research aims to demonstrate the effectiveness of the Egyptian and Iraqi labor law, the Saudi system, and some comparative laws in protecting the worker from sexual harassment in the workplace. In order to reach this, we followed the comparative analytical approach between Egyptian and Iraqi law, with the help of some other laws in this regard. And we concluded with a set of recommendations, the most important of which is to tighten the responsibility of the employer by establishing it to bear the responsibility of the risks in order to push him to provide a safe work environment, in addition to tightening the disciplinary penalties for the establishment in case of laxity, and this is achieved by not linking it to the number of employees in the establishment

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