
北海道網走市の「オホーツクの森」において,コウモリ類の分布および生態を調査した。調査期間は2019 年 7 月 23 日から 2021 年 9 月 27 日とし,調査地点は 30 地点を設定した。捕獲調査の結果,8 種 152 頭のコウモリ類を捕獲した。網走市で初確認となるニホンウサギコウモリ,テングコウモリを捕獲し,網走市には 10 種のコウモリが生息していることが明らかとなった。チチブコウモリ,ヒメホオヒゲコウモリ,コテングコウモリが捕獲数の 89.3% を占めており,特にチチブコウモリが多く捕獲された。チチブコウモリの生息には,ねぐらとなる針葉樹および主食となる蛾の宿主である広葉樹が関係していると考えられた。また,5 種のコウモリから妊娠時の腹部の膨らみや授乳痕を確認し,出産哺育が行われていることが判明した。 外灯調査により,ダム天端の外灯を利用するコウモリの存在が確認された。「オホーツクの森」中心部の調査地点 3 地点において,チチブコウモリの妊娠および出産哺育個体 6 頭を捕獲した。調査開始直後に捕獲されたことから,調査地点周辺にチチブコウモリの出産哺育コロニーが存在していたと考えられる。We investigated the distribution and ecology of bats in the “Okhotsk Forest” in Abashiri City, Hokkaido. The survey period for the study was from July 23, 2019, to September 27, 2021. Thirty survey points were set and 152 bats of eight species were captured. Plecotus sacrimontis and Murina hilgendorfi were the first bats discovered in this area, and 10 species of bats have been reported in Abashiri City. Barbastella darjelingensis, Myotis ikonnikovi, and Murina ussuriensis accounted for 89.3% of the captured bats, and B. darjelingensis was captured the most. The presence of coniferous trees, which are used for roosting, and broadleaf trees that host moths, which are their staple food, were thought to be related to the habitat of B. darjelingensis. Swelling of the abdomen and nursing marks during pregnancy were confirmed in five species of bats, suggesting that childbirth and child-rearing were being performed. A survey near the outdoor lights at the crest of the dam confirmed its use by bats. Six pregnant and child-rearing animals of the B. darjelingensis were captured at three survey points in the center of “Okhotsk Forest”. Since they were captured immediately after the start of the survey, it is probable that there were birth and child-rearing colonies of B. darjelingensis near the survey points.E1P論文Articledepartmental bulletin pape

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