Strategies For Improving Teacher Competence Through Madrasah Head Supervision: A Case Study at MTs Negeri Gunungsitoli


This study aims to investigate how supervision conducted by madrasah principals can contribute to improving teacher competence. The research method used is a qualitative approach with a case study at MTs Negeri Gunungsitoli. Data were collected through classroom observations, interviews with madrasah principals and teachers, and document analysis related to supervision and professional development. In addition, supervision also encourages collaboration between madrasah principals and teachers in designing professional development programs that suit individual needs. Teachers feel supported and valued in their efforts to improve their competencies, which in turn has a positive impact on the quality of education in the madrasah.The conclusion of this study is that madrasah principals' supervision has a crucial role in improving teachers' competencies. Therefore, it is recommended that madrasah principals continue to implement supervision approaches that focus on professional development, collaboration and support for teachers. Further research can also be conducted to explore other factors that may influence the effectiveness of supervision in improving teachers' competencies

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