Una alternativa para impartir los laboratorios de química en los Centros Universitarios Municipales (Original).


With the municipalization of Higher Education in Cuba, in the Municipal University Centers (MUC) careers with an agricultural profile are taught. Among these is the Agricultural Engineering, which is studied in the 9 municipalities of the Santiago de Cuba province. In Plan E, the career contains two subjects within the Chemical Discipline, which constitute the basis of the chemical processes that future agronomists study. One of the forms of teaching to teach chemistry is constituted by laboratories, which allow to verify experimentally what is received in theory. In the MUC, the teaching of the laboratories is difficult due to the lack of the appropriate infrastructure, so the objective of the work is to show an alternative to teach the chemistry laboratories in the MUC. This consists of presenting the students with a video obtained from YouTube, which contains a laboratory practice that they must observe and answer a guide of questions that will be evaluated. A laboratory practice guide related to the chemical properties of aldehydes and ketones is presented, using the video as a teaching method. The advantages of teaching the laboratories in this new way are exposed, as well as the experiences in the MUC of "III Front", concluding that teaching with videos constitutes an innovative didactic strategy that can be used as an alternative for teaching chemistry laboratories in MUC.En los CUM se dificulta la impartición de los laboratorios por no contarse con la infraestructura apropiada, por lo que el trabajo tiene como objetivo mostrar una alternativa para impartir los laboratorios de química en los CUM. Esta consiste en presentar a los estudiantes un video obtenido de YouTube, que contenga una práctica de laboratorio que ellos deben observar y responder a una guía de preguntas que serán evaluadas. Se presenta la guía de una práctica de laboratorio relacionada con las propiedades químicas de aldehídos y cetonas, empleando el video como forma de enseñanza. Se exponen las ventajas de impartir los laboratorios de esta nueva forma, así como las experiencias en el CUM de “III Frente”, concluyéndose que la enseñanza con videos constituye una estrategia didáctica innovadora que se puede emplear como alternativa para la impartición de los laboratorios de química en los CUM

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