London, British Library, Harley 526: Bede, ''Vita S. Cuthberti" (verse); "Vita Edwardi regis," etc.


264b. London, British Library, Harley 526 Bede, ''Vita S. Cuthberti" (verse); "Vita Edwardi regis," etc. [Ker 230, Gneuss 419] HISTORY: The manuscript is a composite. Part 1, ff. 1-27, contains Bede's verse Life of St. Cuthbert, and these folios Ker would date to "s. x." Lapidge (1995: 156), however, dates the manuscript to the second half, "probably" the last quarter of the 9c and locates the copying to NE Francia. This portion of the manuscript was written in the same scriptorium as was Oxford, Bodleian Library Rawlinson C. 697 [405], and was in England by the middle of the 1 0c, when the glosses to the verse Life of Cuthbert were added. Part 2 (ff. 28-37) is a 12c "Vita Bedae"; Part 3 (ff. 38-77) is the "Vita Sancti Eadwardi" whose hand Barlow (1992: lxxix) dates to ca. 1100. Part 4 (ff. *8-67) in a 17c paper wrapper (f. 58 + *67) is a "Report of the Papal Commission on the Canonization of Hugh of Lincoln," whose hand Farmer (1956: 87) dates to the early 13c (St. Hugh of Lincoln died 16 November 1200 and was canonized in 1220); Part 5 (ff. 68-77, separately mounted) is a fragment of the "Vita Ade et Eue" in a 14c hand. According to Wright (1972: 323), Robert Talbot (1505-1558) owned Harley 526, ff. 1-27, and the inscription on f. tr may be his autograph. The manuscript was in the collection of Sir Simonds D'Ewes (1602-1650), who made annotations on ff. 1, 27v, 28, and 37v as well as elsewhere (see below). Watson (1966: 130) also indicates that the title-page on f. 58 was of D'Ewes' design. Robert Harley received the collection from D'Ewes. Eight folios missing between ff. 71 and 72 are now BL, Harley 495 [264a], ff. 100-107 (Watson 1966: 130)

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