Structure and composition of tritrophic communities associated with Fagaceae-feeding cynipid gallwasps in Sichuan, China


We provide the first description and analysis of species-rich communities of Fagaceae host plants, cynipid gall inducers and Hymenopteran parasitoids from two sites in western Sichuan, China. We use quantified interaction data to test the hypothesis that metabolically intimate cynipid-Fagaceae interactions are more specialised, resulting in more modular networks and stronger signatures of turnover than nestedness for beta diversity, than associations between parasitoids and Fagaceae. Rearing of nearly 27,000 cynipid gall specimens from 22 host plant species in Castanea, Castanopsis, Lithocarpus and Quercus (sections Cerris, Cyclobalanopsis, Ilex and Quercus) yielded 168 morphologically distinct cynipid gall morphotypes, and 3800 parasitoids in 67 morphospecies. The Sichuan parasitoid assemblage is similar in composition to cynipid-centred communities in the Western Palearctic and Nearctic. All of our predictions were confirmed. We discuss our findings in light of the processes thought to structure tritrophic interactions centred on gall inducing insect herbivores

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