Additional file 1 of Overexpression of wild type RRAS2, without oncogenic mutations, drives chronic lymphocytic leukemia [Dataset]


Additional file 1: Figure S1. a, Relative mRNA expression of RRAS2 in different types of leukemia. Data comes from (Haferlach et al., 2010) and has been retrieved from . b, Schematic representation of the overexpression cassette inserted into the Rosa26 locus. c, Relative expression of RRAS2 measured by RT-qPCR in different organs of Rosa26-RRAS2fl/flxSox2-Cre (Sox2-Cre+) mice compared to that of WT C57BL/6 J Control mice using 18S as the reference gene. All expression numbers were normalized to those of liver from WT Control mice (mean = 1). Data show relative expression of RRAS2 in the indicated organs in n = 3–4 8 month-old independent mice. d, Quantification of spleen weight from control and 6 month-old Sox2-Cre + mice. Data shown correspond to four control mice and eleven Sox2-Cre mice. Two-tailed unpaired t-test with Welch’s correction. e, Two-parameter flow cytometry of the expression of CD5 and IgM in B cells in the spleen of 6 month-old control and Sox2-Cre + mice. f, Quantification of the number of CD5 + IgM+ B cells in the spleens and bone marrow of 6 month-old control and Sox2-Cre + mice. Data correspond to triplicate measurements of one control and three Sox2-Cre mice. Unpaired t-test with Welch’s correction. g, Quantification of the serum IgM concentration in the blood of 35–40 wk-old control (n = 3) and mb1-Cre (n = 8) mice by ELISA. Unpaired t-test with Welch’s correction. h, Representative images from Giemsa stainings of blood smears of 36 wk-old control and mb1-Cre mice. i, Two-parameter flow cytometry of the forward scatter and CD5 expression in CD19+ cells in the blood of 16 wk-old mb1-Cre mice. The gated population represents large cells. j, Two-parameter flow cytometry of CD5 expression and BrdU incorporation in CD19+ cells in the blood of 16 wk-old mb1-Cre mice. k, Quantification of the percentage of CD19+ cells that are CD5+ blasts and of the CD19+ CD5+ cells that have incorporated BrdU.Peer reviewe

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